Issue # 5

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October 2005

Big Changes At Alpha Geeks!

In This Issue:

 - Big Changes
 - New Logo
 - New Website
 - Business Cards
 - Tip of The Month
 - New Addition
 - Feedback

Do you have a question you would like answered in future issues, or do you have a topic you would like to see addressed in our monthly tips?  If so, please send us an email by clicking the icon below. You can also unsubscribe from this newsletter by sending us an email.


We would really appreciate your comments.  Please click on the letter above to send us an email and let us know what you think about the new logo and the new website. Thank you!

We have been promising a new look for a couple of months now, and the wait is finally over.  As you can see above, we have redesigned our logo!

We feel the new design has a bit edgier feel than the old logo, has a more striking look, and represents a more professional feel.   , But the changes don’t stop there.  We are also proud to present to you our new and improved website!

Your feedback about our website has directly influenced the new look and feel.  Many of you had stated that the old website with the black background was too hard to read, and we couldn’t help but agree. 

Business Cards

Because we had our logo redesigned, we needed to get some new business cards printed, and that means that you will soon be getting some mail from us! Within the next few weeks we will be mailing out our new business cards to all of our clients, and a few extras that you can pass along to your friends and relatives.

Please keep in mind that if you refer us to anyone who ends up using any of our services, we will send you a check for $25!  More details of this exciting program can be found by clicking this link.

If you give away all of our cards, you can always request more by sending us an email with the words “Business Cards” in the subject line. 


As always, you can get to our website by clicking on the logo at the top of the page, or you can visit us at

We have one more big change with the Alpha Geeks family, but for that surprise you will have to keep reading! If you just can’t wait, you can scroll down to the bottom of the page to the section titled “Our Newest Addition . . .”.


Tip of The Month

Many times, people ask us if they should turn off their computer when not using it, or if it is safe to leave it on overnight. Everybody seems to have heard something different about this one.  The truth is, it is absolutely safe, and in some cases even recommended to leave the system on all the time. 

All versions of Windows have the ability to schedule tasks such as clean the hard drive, defragment, and other chores. Our suggestion is to leave your system on 24/7, and schedule these tasks to occur overnight while you are sleeping.

We do recommend that you do restart your systems at least once daily, depending upon how heavily it is used. A restart is like taking a nap, it refreshes your system and speeds things up a bit.

It is always recommended that you power down your system during an electrical storm.

Our Newest Addition to the Alpha Geeks Family!

As many of you may already know, our owner Tom and his wife Phaedra were expecting their first child. Well the big day finally happened on September 2nd when they welcomed their new son Alex to the world!

Alex was 7 lbs, 15 oz., and 21 inches long.  Both mom and baby are doing great!  The pictures here are of Alex at 3 and 5 days old respectively.

Sweet Boy Future Geek

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